Book appointments at the right time and place just for you
Cervical Smear Test
You choose when and where | Qualified Nurse | Confidential | Medical
Informed choices
Early detection
Virtual clinics
In clinic
Reproductive health
all women have different needs when looking for a method of contraception.We know that for many women, with busy lifestyles, it is difficult to get an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.

We offer you a consultation in a private setting at a time that is convenient for you with an assigned nurse who will be available to you

A small instrument called a speculum which is inserted into the vagina. Some cells from the cervix surface will be collected using a small, soft brush and sent for analysis.

Once the results are back, your assigned practitioner will contact you and discuss your results in depth.

As our patient, you will be given a dedicated nurse that will help with your questions after treatment. Plus, access to an exclusive Facebook community.

It all comes down to being well informed and making choices that feel right for your. We are here to help you take charge of your health.

What is Cervical Cancer?
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the 4th most common cancer in women is cervical cancer. In the UK alone, there are around 3000 women diagnosed with this every year.
While it is more common in women between the ages of 30 -45 years, it can develop in sexually active women at any age. Cervical cancer is rare in women under the age of 25.
Symptoms of cervical cancer include:
- Normal bleeding: during or after sexual intercourse, or between periods
- Post menopausal bleeding: if you are not on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or have stopped it for six weeks or more
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
- Lower back pain
Alsmost all cases of cervical cancer (99.7% – Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust) are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a group of viruses that can be spread through sexual intercourse and other sexual activitiy i.e. skin-to-skin contact of the genitals. There are different types of HPV viruses that range from low-risk for cervical cancer to high risk.
In most cases, the immune system is able to clear HPV infection within ~2 years. However, in some situations, this does not happen. If an individual has an infection associated with a high risk type of HPV, then they are more at risk of developing cervical cancer. This is because high risk types are believed to prevent cells from working normally. Instead, these cells being to reproduce uncontrollably which may lead to a the growth of tumours.