A consultation in a private and discrete setting at a time that is convenient for you,
Sexual Health
Safe | Quick | Shared decision making
Informed choices
Safe sex
Birth Control
HPV/Genital Warts
Family planning
Virtual clinics
In clinic
Reproductive health
We believe all women deserve a healthy, fulfilling and most importantly, safe sex life

We offer you a consultation in a private setting at a time that is convenient for you with an assigned nurse who will be available to you

After spending up to one hour discussing your needs and the options available to you. A variety of STI testing and treatment is available in our clinics (virtual and face to face).

As nurse prescribers, we can provide a full individualised package of care based on a woman’s holistic healthcare needs and after an in-depth personal assessment.

As our patient, you will be given a dedicated nurse that will help with your questions after treatment. Plus, access to an exclusive Facebook community.

It all comes down to being well informed and making choices that feel right for your. We are here to help you take charge of your health.

What is sexual health?
As defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), sexual health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence (WHO, 2017). Sexual health is a major part of life. Having a good sexual health means that you are not careful and respectful to yourself but others too.
At our branch, The Women’s Health Clinic, we believe all women deserve a health and fulfilling sex life. Beginning comfortable conversations and asking questions regarding sexual health is a big step – a step we encourage women from all ages to take. Its important to take care of your sexual health and be provided with plenty of information. This is why we are offering a full range of sexual health screening and contraceptive advice including long action reversible contraceptives like coil and implant fitting.
During the examination, your nurse may find that you have a simple infection that is not sexually transmitted e.g. a thrust or baterial vaginosis. If so, she can offer you immediate treatments without waiting for any swab results. We are able to offer you an appointment time at a clinic location that is suitable for you without the long waiting times you may experience at an NHS clinic and everything is completely confidential – we will not inform your GP unless you specifically ask us to.